This is a compulsory curriculum course in Higher Education that offers a profound exploration of Pancasila. Throughout the semester, students embark on a journey through the various dimensions of Pancasila, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its historical, philosophical, and practical implications. The course begins by delving into the philosophical, sociological, and juridical foundations of Pancasila. This multifaceted approach encourages students to appreciate Pancasila as more than just a political doctrine. It becomes a complex ideology that has influenced the nation’s identity and governance.

History is a central theme of the course, as students trace Pancasila’s evolution from its origins in the pre-independence era through its consolidation during the struggle for independence. They examine how Pancasila has adapted and been interpreted during different political eras, from the Old Order to the New Order and the Reformation. This historical context provides insights into how Pancasila has shaped Indonesia’s policies and governance over time. Understanding the function and role of Pancasila within the Indonesian context is another vital aspect of the course. Students explore how Pancasila serves as a guiding philosophy for governance, influencing the creation of policies, laws, and institutions. This knowledge empowers them to critically assess Pancasila’s role in contemporary Indonesia.

Moreover, the course underscores Pancasila’s significance as a source of national law. Students learn how Pancasila’s principles are interwoven into the legal framework of the country, influencing the development of Indonesian law and jurisprudence. By immersing students in these critical facets of Pancasila education, the course equips them not only with historical and theoretical knowledge but also with a practical lens. This perspective encourages them to apply Pancasila as a tool for analyzing and addressing real-world national and state issues. This dual perspective, Genetivus Objektivus and Genetivus Subjectivus, fosters a deep understanding of Pancasila’s role in Indonesia’s past, present, and future. It empowers students to actively engage with the intricate challenges facing their nation and contribute to its ongoing development and prosperity

In this course, the learning process is designed to be dynamic and engaging, encompassing various methods and assessments to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The course benefits from submissions provided by lecturers, which serve as foundational knowledge and structured starting points for students. Beyond passive reception of information, students actively participate in group discussions and assignments, promoting collaborative learning and critical thinking. Lectures and discussions constitute the primary teaching methods, with lectures delivering essential information and theoretical foundations, while discussions encourage interactive learning and active engagement. Therefore, the students have to put forward the idea from reading results, to do group discussions and presentations. Problem-based learning and flipped-classroom models are majorly applied in this course. To improve the students’ learning experiences, the class utilizes several online platforms such as learning management system, youtube, Google Scholar, Academia Edu, and zoom

This course expects the students to show religious, responsible, and academic attitudes and behaviors that can contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation and state. Next, the students are also expected to master the theoretical concepts of Indonesian language and literature that support the learning of Indonesian language and literature at the primary and secondary education levels. Being able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise is also listed as the outcome. Lastly, this course is also designed to enable students to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of expertise based on the results of information and data analysis.

Upon the completion to this course, the students are expected to be able to: 

  1. understand the concept of Pancasila in the Study of the History of the Indonesian Nation.
  2. apply the concept of Functions and Roles of Pancasila in their lives.
  3. discover the concept of Pancasila as the basis of the state.
  4. justify the concept of Pancasila as the State’s Ideology.