Seespa English Olympics 2022 Has Ended

On November 5, 2022, or the third day of SEO 2022 implementation which is also the last day of the SEESPA English Olympic 2022. At this closing, the last competition to be contested was the final speech competition. The speech competition itself had previously been selected by the judges to get the best 5 finalists who would advance to the final round. This round of competition is held online through a zoom meeting in which the mechanism of the participants will be absent first in the main room zoom and later one by one participants will be called to enter the preparation room and get the theme of the speech that will be delivered.

During the preparation of the speech, participants are given 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the participants will be transferred to the performance room where the participants will present their speech in front of the judges. After the appearance of the participants, the judges will ask one question which must be answered by the participants within a maximum of 2 minutes, after answering the questions from the judges, the last one is the general assessment by each judge of the speech contest participants. After performing, the participants are welcome to return to the main room and wait for all the other participants to finish. The final round was also broadcast live on the SEESPA Unsri YouTube account for others to watch.

We have five finalists that had outstandingly performed their best Impromptu speeches which are Rifki Saputra from Jember University as the 1st finalist, Shafira Putri Asmaradani from Padjajaran University as the 2nd finalist, A. Vahry Lilam Putra from Teknokrat Indonesia University as the 3rd finalist, Rizya Gideon Lateka from Poltektrans SDP Palembang as the 4th finalist, and Yehezkiel Moranello from Padjajaran University as the 5th finalist. After all the finalists have delivered, the committees gave their great honor to the 3 judges that are Rudi Hartono, S.Pd., M.A., Fegy Lestari, S.S., M.Pd., and Rinaka Gustavano, S.Ikom, who had been judging from the preliminary round to the Grand Final round.

The end of the Speech competition marked the end of the series of SEO2022. The closing ceremony began with the announcement of the winners of the competition The closing ceremony was followed by closing remarks by the Chief Committee of SEO 2022, Nabila Rizky Aryani, and was officially closed by the supervisor of SEESPA Unsri, Ma’am Nova Lingga Pitaloka, S.Pd., M.Pd. She stated that this competition can be used as a learning tool by the winners, participants, and also the committee.

We would also like to congratulate the Top 4 teams of the debate competitions held on the 4th of November 2022, which are Yok Yak Tok team from LPBA Nurul Jadid, Nawatari team from SMA Negeri 1 Pekalongan, Wild Bites team from SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta, and Dealofi team from SMA Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim.

After all the debate semi- and grand finalists have delivered their speeches, the committees gave their great honor to the 4 judges that are Leila Utarina, S.Tr.T. as the chief, Regina Nunny Agustine as the Deputy Chief, Beni Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Invited Judges, and Tyani Alrizki as the Invited Judges who had been judging from the preliminary round to the Grand Final round.

Last but not least after the Master of Ceremony, Muhammad Rusli closed the formal event, we moved on to the next agenda which is games and quizzes by the 2 MCs that are Nadiya Kaltsum Ulayya and Alkarintsi Dzulwantiana.

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