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The doctoral program on mathematics education graduated a new doctor from Karawang. The Promovenda was Indri Noor Aini. The dissertation defense held on Thursday, July 28th , 2022. It was officially opened by the chairman of the defense, namely Dra. Nyimas Aisyah, M.Pd., Ph.D., vice dean 2 of teacher training and education faculty, Sriwijaya University. The internal examiners of this dissertation defense were Dr. Somakim, M.Pd. and Dr. Ely Susanti, M.Pd., while the external examiner was Prof. Dr. Euis Eti Rohaeti, M.Pd.

Indri’s dissertation research was related to the development of PISA type math problems using the local cultural context in Karawang. The term used is PISAKA, an abbreviation of PISA Karawang. Under the guidance of the promotor teams consisting of Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.Ikom., M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma, I.P., M.Sc., and Prof. Dr. H. Poppy Yaniawati, M.Pd., Indri’s dissertation research succeeded in producing 7 research outcomes consisting of 1 article in a reputable Scopus indexed journal, namely Journal on Mathematics Education (JME); 2 articles in international proceedings indexed by Scopus; 2 articles in the national journal Sinta 3; 1 book with ISBN; and appropriate technology in the form of websites and YouTube content. At the end of the defense, Indri was declared to have passed the doctoral program on mathematics education, Sriwijaya University.

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