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Figure 1. Speakers, participants and the organizing committee take a group photo during community service activities.

Training and Mentoring on Strengthening Numeracy and Social Norms in Learning and Assessment for Primary School Teachers, Sriwijaya University, was hosted by the Doctoral Program of Mathematics Education. The mentoring activities occurred in the Postgraduate Doctoral Room at Sriwijaya University, with primary school lecturers and SD Plus IGM teachers as participants. The objective of this activity is to strengthen numeracy and social norms, as well as to assist them in devising and producing mathematics and non-mathematics learning tools that enhance numeracy. Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Sc., the chairperson of Community Service (PKM), formally inaugurated the face-to-face event

The Ministry of Education and Culture launched the Merdeka Belajar policy to explore the tremendous potential of both teachers and students to innovate and improve the quality of learning independently in designing learning implementation plans, carrying out learning processes, and conducting assessments to achieve student competency following the Graduate Competency Standards contained in Government Regulation Number 57 of 2021, concerning National Education Standards. Mathematics competence is different from numeracy ability. Numeracy ability can be defined as a person’s capacity to respond appropriately to a specific mathematical challenge in a particular situation. A teacher must emphasize the significance of competence to increase quality to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that students feel the impact.

Figure 2. Presentation of material by Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Sc.

This activity was divided into two material delivery sessions, namely 1) regarding strengthening numeracy and social norms and 2) inspiration for developing numeracy teaching materials. In the first session, Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Sc., presented material regarding the independent curriculum’s reinforcement of numeracy and social norms in learning and assessment. Through this activity, participants were expected to strengthen their understanding of numeracy concepts and social norms, increase their sensitivity to the context and dimensions of cognitive processes, improve their ability to analyze, design, and solve numeracy questions, and apply social norms to learning. Next, Prof. Ratu Ilma invited participants to discuss questions about numeracy in learning and assessment and displayed and discussed learning videos about social norms.

Figure 3. Presentation of material by Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I. Komp., M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I, Komp., M.Sc., delivered the second session of material delivery. Inspiration for developing numeracy instructional materials for learning and assessment following the independent curriculum is presented. The purpose of this session is to provide participants with ideas for the design of numeracy teaching materials based on a tourism context and current issues on a national and international scale that are relevant to students.

Figure 4. Discussion session on designing teaching materials

After receiving the materials, the speakers tasked the participants in groups with preparing numeracy teaching materials in a tourism context based on social norms. The group comprised three tourism-related entities: the Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Museum, the Kuto Besak Fort, and Kemaro Island.

Figure 5. Simulation of Implementation of Numeracy Teaching Materials Based on Social Norms

This session closed with simulations and feedback from the activities carried out by the participants regarding the design of numeracy teaching materials for tourism contexts based on social norms for learning. Follow-up activities are carried out online via Google Classroom by providing individual and group assignments given by speakers. Then, the speakers will continue this activity with the following training at SD Plus IGM Palembang.

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