

At the end of this month, on Monday, July 31, 2023. Intan Buhati Asfyra officially holds a doctoral degree at the base of her name. After successfully presenting her research during the dissertation exam at the Unsri FKIP building Bukit Besar, Palembang. The dissertation exam was witnessed directly by the coordinator of the doctoral programme on Mathematics Education, Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M. I. Komp, M.Sc, as well as the Promotor, Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Si and Dr. Yusuf Hartono, M.Sc. as the co-promotors, the examining team  namely Prof. Dr Yerizon, M.Si from Padang State University, Dra. Nyimas Aisyah, M.pd, Ph.D and Dr. Darmawijoyo, M.Sc. from Universitas Sriwijaya.

She introduced learning with contexts related to the couture department starting when she took her master’s degree at Unsri.  Currently, she is also conducting research on her dissertation with a context related to the couture major, namely making fashion decorations. In the rapid development of the fashion industry, SMK is at the forefront in preparing young people who are creative and competent in the fashion world. However, to achieve success in the increasingly competitive fashion industry, students not only need to have design skills and creativity, but also understand the importance of mathematics in the process of making precise and accurate clothing.

It is hoped that learning with a context that is directly related to the vocational field that students directly experience themselves can better understand mathematical concepts and can overcome the difficulties experienced in the learning process.

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