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Unsri’s Lecturers Came and Counted at ICME-15 in Sydney

Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024. The 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-15), the world’s premier event in mathematics education, took place in Sydney, Australia from July 7-14, 2024. Held every four years, ICME is a prestigious gathering of experts dedicated to the advancement of mathematics education worldwide.

This year’s congress featured a remarkable assembly of leading educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field. The event was marked by a rich exchange of ideas, research findings, and innovative practices aimed at enhancing mathematics education at all levels. The congress saw participation from 2,393 attendees representing 97 countries, and a total of 2,065 speakers presented their research. Additionally, 197 individuals were awarded the solidarity fund award.

In a significant achievement for Universitas Sriwijaya, three lecturers from our institution presented their research and findings at this global forum. Their participation is a testament to the high standards and dedication within our academic community. Representing Universitas Sriwijaya were:Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I.Kom., M.Sc., who presented groundbreaking research on “Two Decades of Developing Mathematics Literacy in Indonesia: From PISA 2003 to 2022”. Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Si., who shared about “Development of Distance Learning Mathematics Learning Activity during COVID-19: Case Study Secondary School in Indonesia”. Dr. Duano Sapta Nusantara, who discussed “EXPERIENCED COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA: How should learning and assessment be?”.

Their presentations were well-received, highlighting the impactful work being conducted at Universitas Sriwijaya and fostering international collaborations and knowledge exchange.The participation of our lecturers in ICME-15 was part of the university’s ongoing commitment to international mobility and academic excellence. By engaging with the global mathematics education community, Universitas Sriwijaya continues to contribute to and benefit from the collective efforts to improve educational outcomes worldwide.

We congratulate our lecturers on their outstanding achievements and look forward to their continued contributions to both our university and the broader field of mathematics education. The next congress, ICME-16, will be held from July 2-9, 2028, in Prague, Czech Republic. See you in Prague!

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