
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Sriwijaya University supports doctoral candidates of DPME to work comfortably on their research projects. The supporting facilities include: 1) student workspace, 2) discussion space, 3) seminar room, 4) classroom, 5) lecturer room, 6)  library, 7) micro-teaching lab, and 8) computer lab.Student Workspace

1. Student Workspace

Student workspace is a special room for doctoral candidates to complete research. Each doctoral candidate gets a work space in the form of a chair and work desk. This room also provides printers, office stationery, such as paper, Wi-Fi, AC, so that doctoral candidates are more effective and efficient in completing research. Figure 1 below is a doctoral candidate’s work space.

Figure 1 Doctoral Candidates Workspace

2. Discussion Space

Doctoral candidates of DPME are provided with facilities in the form of discussion space for completing and managing research project timelines. This room is equipped with a discussion table, chairs, whiteboard, air conditioning and also wifi. With this discussion room, doctoral candidates can discuss, exchange ideas and collaborate in facing challenges and obstacles to research projects, so that they can complete research on time. Figure 2 is a discussion space for doctoral candidates.

Figure 2 Discussion Space

3. Seminar room

There is one hall provided for seminar activities, stadium generale, meeting, and soon on.  This seminar room is often used when inviting guest lecturers both from abroad and within the country who support the research activities of doctoral candidate students, such as: providing training, public lectures, workshops. In addition, this seminar room is also used to support the academic activities of doctoral candidates of DPME such as research seminar proposals, research progress reports, open and closed defences. Figure 3 is the Seminar Room.

Figure 3 Seminar Room

4. Classroom

To support learning activities, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education provided the classroom which can accommodate 40 students with all of the facilities like air conditioning, Smart TV, and Wi-Fi.  

Figure 4 Classroom

5. Lecturers Room

Doctoral candidates of DPME can use the lecturer’s room for consultations, the academic mentoring process, and discussions related to research. Figure 5 is the lecturer room.

Figure 5 Lecturer’s room

6. Library

To enhance reading and references, students are also provided with libraries managed by university and faculty (Postgraduate Library at Palembang and Central Library at Indralaya). Sriwijaya University also provides a digital library that can be accessed by lecturers and students via this link https://digilib.unsri.ac.id/. The facilities in the digital library can be seen in this video https://youtu.be/tAw8ZxQx6WY. Library also provides an open source database that can be accessed by doctoral candidates of DPME. Figure 6 is library

Figure 6 Library

7. Journal corner

However, for discussion among students, the campus provides a journal’s room. In there, students are also facilitated with various journal and book references to support their assignments. Figure 7 is Journal Corner.

Figure 7 Journal Corner

8. Laboratory

Doctoral Candidates of DPME are also provided with a mathematics education laboratory equipped with computers that can be accessed by students. Next, there are also two computer laboratories located on the Palembang Campus and the Indralaya Campus. Then there are three micro teaching rooms equipped with various media and learning aids for teaching mathematics at school. Figure 8 is a computer laboratory.

Figure 8 Laboratory

9. Health Clinic

Sriwijaya University also provides student and lecturer buses as mobilization for traveling (from the Pelembang Campus to the Indralaya Campus vice versa). In addition, the campus provides a health clinic for students and lecturers. Figure 9 is a health clinic.

Figure 9 Health Clinic

Lecture activities for Doctoral Candidates of DPME are carried out at the Palembang Campus. The infrastructure that can be utilized by Doctoral Candidates of DPME are: 1). Reading room, 2). Lab. of computer, 3). Lab. of mathematics education, 4). Lab. of microteaching (consists of three rooms), 5). Unsri central library, 6). Football field, and 7). Mosque or prayer room. It can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSihGZyjmdk