
The Doctoral Program in Mathematics Education (DPME) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) was established based on the sustained success of the International Master Program on Mathematics Education (IMPoME) from 2011 to 2015 in collaboration with Utrecht University (UU) and Surabaya State University (UNESA). This sandwich program was attended by outstanding students from various provinces in Indonesia with scholarships from DIKTI and Stuned/Neso. With the end of the IMPoME program, an initiative to establish a doctoral program in mathematics education was launched.

In 2016, the submitted proposal was accepted by DIKTI. DPME was officially established with Statement Letter Number 121/KPT/I/2016 dated March 10, 2016, signed by Ainun Na’im (Secretary of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology). The implementation of DPME began in August 2016 with Operational Permit Certificate Number 192/UN9/DT.Kep/2016, dated May 3 2016. In that year, DPME was the only doctoral program in the field of mathematics education outside Java. In the first batch, DPME accepted two candidates doctoral from South Sumatra (Sujinal Arifin-Palembang and Bambang Riyanto-Kayuagung) and West Java (Kiki Nia Sania Effendi and Indrie Noor Aini-Karawang).

DPME is the only doctoral study program in the mathematics education field with the distinctive characteristic of Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI). This is evident from the PMRI-related vision, mission, objectives, graduate profiles, and research of all DPME doctoral candidates. Aside from that, DPME has faculty members who consistently research in topic of PMRI. In addition, robust and enduring collaboration with Utrecht University (UU). This is evidenced by the establishment of INDoME (International Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education), a collaborative program between DPME UNSRI and FISME Utrecht University.

This INDoME program is a collaboration relating education, instruction, research, and publication. Assoc. Prof. Michiel Doorman, Assoc. Prof. Marteen Dolk, Prof. Kees Hoogland, Assoc. Prof. Paul Drijvers, Assoc. Prof. Rogier Boss and Assoc. Prof. Arthur Bakker is a UU expert who participates in academic activities such as seminars, workshops, public lectures, and training. In addition, this program has successfully involved UU faculty members as co-promotors and external examiners for candidate doctoral of DPME. In addition, doctoral candidates of DPME can attend an August summer school at the UU annually.

On March 19, 2019, DPME was successfully accredited by BAN-PT (Indonesian National Accreditation Institute) with accreditation level B and BAN-PT certificate number 456/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/III/2019. This result also prompted many doctoral candidates outside South Sumatra to submit applications for admission as candidate doctoral of DPME.

In 2019, DPME admitted a student (Duano Sapta Nusantara) for the first time in Indonesia, precisely in Mathematics Education, for the PMDSU scholarship program (Masters’ Education Towards Doctoral for an Excellent Undergraduate). This successful program continued in 2022 by accepting a new candidate (Viona Adelia). These two students also had the opportunity for short courses at Utrecht University and dissertation supervision with the co-promoter from UU (Asc. Prof. Michiel Doorman).

One of the candidate doctoral (Meryansumayeka) competently defended her dissertation in front of an external examiner from UU (Associate Professor Michiel Doorman) in 2021. In the next two years (2023), two students (Tria Gustiningsi and Dewi Rawani) successfully defended their dissertations in front of external examiners from University Technology Malaysia (Professor Siti Zaleha).

To realize UNSRI’s goals and establish a world-class university (WCU), DPME continues to enhance quality in various areas. This goal is why DPME will strive for international accreditation from ASIIN in 2023 – 2024.


Excellent at the national level and able to compete internationally in research in the field of (Realistic) Mathematics Education


1.Organizing educational activities in (Realistic) Mathematics Education to produce graduates who can think critically to solve problems in mathematics education (realistic);
2.Organizing research activities to find new concepts/theories in the field of (Realistic) Mathematics Education and publish their findings at national/international conferences and national accredited or international reputable journals;
3.Organizing community service activities as a form of dissemination of the development and novelty of (Realistic) Mathematics Education oriented towards improving the quality of education according to the development and needs of the community;
4.Establish cooperation in (Realistic) Mathematics Education with stakeholders and doctoral programs at other universities domestically and abroad.

Graduate Profile

No.Graduate ProfileDescription
1.Professional LecturerMathematics educators who are able to guide student research at all levels of higher education;
2.Professional ResearcherMathematics educators who can guide student research at all levels of higher education;
3.Designer/InnovatorDeveloper/Designer in Mathematics Education who can innovate in solving problems in mathematics learning;
4.LeaderLeaders who can apply research activities and service in the field of mathematics education and can work together with stakeholders.