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FKIP UNSRI Did Pre-Departure Orientation SEATeacher Program for Six Selected Students to PNU

Palembang, Tuesday, 10 September 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education (FKIP) at Universitas Sriwijaya held a pre-departure orientation for the six
students selected to participate in the SEA-Teacher Program. This activity is a series of selection of prospective student exchange delegates through the SEA-Teacher Program that has been followed by this faculty for years. This activity, although small in scale, is included in international activities and in accordance with UNSRI’s vision and mission to move towards internationalization.

The event was officially
opened by Dr. Hartono, M.A., the Dean of FKIP, and followed by a welcoming speech from
Dr. Rita Inderawati, M.Pd., Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and Coordinator of the SEATeacher Program.

Dr. Inderawati shared that 40 students had participated in the selection process,
with 32 students advancing to the interview stage. After a rigorous selection process, 6
students successfully passed. The selected students come from various study programs,
including 3 from English Education, 1 from Mathematics Education, 1 from Biology
Education, and 1 from Economics Education.
The selection panel consisted of Dr. Rita Inderawati, Dr. Meilinda, Fiftinova, M.Pd.,
Hesti Wahyuni, M.Pd., Tita Ratna Wulan Dari, M.Pd., and Novalingga Pitaloka, M.Pd., who
evaluated the students’ qualifications and potential to represent FKIP UNSRI in the

Beside the lecturers become the speaker it the event, the Head of Unsri International Office, Dr. Sabaruddin was invited. However, Yunita, S.Pd. M.H. who joined , as the Head was at another meeting. Unluckily, the last Ambassadors tof SEA-Teacher Program to Capiz State Univeraity, Philippine could not come all as Panisyah was in Tokyo, and also Davin. Nur Salwa came and told her best practice during stay ing in Philipine by show IG her blog.

Present at this orie

ntation event were Dr. Ismet (Vice Dean of Students and Alumni Affairs), heads of departments (Prof. Soni Mirizon), secretary of the department, (Ernalida, Ph.D), coordinator of study program (Eryansyah, Ph.D), lecturers as mentors (Septy, M.Sc. and Sigit Dwi Prayitno, M.Pd.) and six students who were selected to go international (Akromu, Alkaritsi, Salsabila from English Education, Faiza from Mathematic Education, Kinanti from Biology Education, and Ramadan from Economic Education, as well as students who will be buddies for Filipino students who will practice teaching in Palembang.
In the pre-departure orientation, the team covered several crucial topics to
prepare the participants for their teaching journey abroad:

  1. Understanding the SEA-Teacher Program and Its Objectives
    Students were introduced to the SEA-Teacher Program’s purpose, which is to provide
    cross-cultural teaching experiences. The goal is to help students learn about the
    education systems in other ASEAN countries and develop professional teaching
  2. Administrative and Logistical Preparation
    The participants were reminded to complete all necessary documents, such as
    passports, visas, flight tickets, health insurance, and letters of accommodation.
    Information about managing finances and local transportation in the Philippines was
    also provided.
  3. Academic Preparation and Teaching Practice
    Participants were advised to align their teaching plans with the curriculum and
    educational methods in the Philippines. The importance of preparing creative and
    culturally appropriate teaching materials for kindergarten students was also
  4. Cultural Adaptation and Professional Etiquette
    To ensure a smooth transition, students were briefed on Filipino customs, norms, and
    professional conduct in the local education system. They were encouraged to remain
    flexible and respectful of cultural differences.
  5. Health and Safety
    The orientation also covered essential health and safety measures, including local
    healthcare facilities, COVID-19 protocols, and tips for staying safe during their stay
  6. Personal and Professional Growth
    Participants were encouraged to view this experience as a chance to develop not only
    their teaching skills but also their leadership, communication, and problem-solving
    abilities. Networking with local educators and expanding their international
    professional connections were also highlighted.
  7. Evaluation and Reflection
    Students were guided on how to maintain daily logs or journals documenting their
    teaching activities, which will be useful for reflection and program evaluation.
  8. Staying Connected with UNSRI and Family
    The students were informed of the importance of staying in touch with their faculty
    advisors and family through reliable communication tools like WhatsApp and Zoom.
  9. Developing Collaborative Skills
    The orientation emphasized the value of teamwork and collaboration with local
    teachers and fellow student teachers.
  10. Professional Conduct and Representing Indonesia
    The students were reminded that they will be ambassadors of UNSRI and Indonesia,
    and their behavior should reflect professionalism and cultural values throughout their
    participation in the program. The SEA-Teacher Program is an exciting opportunity for
    these six students to gain valuable international teaching experience and contribute to
    educational exchanges within the ASEAN region.
    Lastly, the students were reminded that they will be ambassadors of UNSRI and
    Indonesia, and their behavior should reflect professionalism and cultural values
    throughout their participation in the program. Almost all the judges (the lecturers who
    interviewed to get the best students for the program. The SEA-Teacher Program is an
    exciting opportunity for these six students to gain valuable international teaching
    experience and contribute to educational exchanges within the ASEAN region. Dr.
    Inderawati, as the SEA-Teacher Program Coordinator of FKIP UNSRI, at the end,
    encourage the students:
    “I encourage you to remain open, curious, and reflective throughout this
    journey. Embrace every experience, learn from every challenge, and treasure every
    connection you make. You are building not only your professional skills but also
    lifelong memories and relationships. As you prepare to leave, remember that this
    is just the beginning. The lessons you learn during your time in the Philippines will stay with you long after you return, enriching both your personal and professional life. I wish you all the best on this exciting journey. Stay safe, stay curious, and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. We are incredibly proud of you and can’t wait to hear about the amazing things you will accomplish”.

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