The selection process for prospective students of the DPME is carried out by the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Sriwijaya through the New Student Screening Test (USMB) program on the website or The selection is conducted twice a year through three pathways: regular selection, collaboration, international, and without a test.

  1. Regular Selection: Intended for prospective students with their own funding.
  2. Collaboration Selection: Intended for prospective students with funding from Universitas Sriwijaya’s collaboration partners.
  3. International Selection: Intended for prospective students of foreign nationality.

Test-Free Selection: Intended for prospective students who are alumni of Universitas Sriwijaya with the predicate Cum Laude.

The requirements for prospective students of the DPME include having a master’s degree in the field of mathematics education or mathematics. The admission selection test for DPME is conducted through portfolio and interview assessments.

Portfolio examination and interviews take place at the study program. The assessment results are reported to the postgraduate program through the dean of the faculty to determine the admission status of prospective students. The evaluated portfolio must comply with the document requirements found at:{619a93a3d398a31be56d7a94bfc5edaf2c9ee9268e90d19e5ebc715836fd3bb6}20PENDAFTARAN{619a93a3d398a31be56d7a94bfc5edaf2c9ee9268e90d19e5ebc715836fd3bb6}20ONLINE{619a93a3d398a31be56d7a94bfc5edaf2c9ee9268e90d19e5ebc715836fd3bb6}20PPS{619a93a3d398a31be56d7a94bfc5edaf2c9ee9268e90d19e5ebc715836fd3bb6}202023-GENAP.pdf.

To ensure that students who apply to the program have sufficient initial knowledge to participate in lectures effectively, the study program implements several procedures to check students’ initial knowledge. For the DPME, before registering, prospective students of the DPME are required to request recommendations from several lecturers. The recommendation letter should contain information about the academic abilities, skills, social skills, and achievements of the prospective student from the perspective of the recommender. Another registration requirement related to prospective students’ initial knowledge is the research proposal submitted by prospective students. After passing the administrative selection, prospective students also undergo an interview stage. The interview aims to gain deeper insights into the research proposal of the prospective student. Additionally, the academic qualifications of prospective students for the master’s and doctoral programs are also taken into consideration.

Students who pass the USMB selection must undergo a series of physical health tests, including colour blindness and drug colour tests. Relevant regulations for students with disabilities (IES) are governed by Rector’s Decision number 5 of 2020 in Chapter 35.

Admission regulations may not be sufficient to ensure that prospective students have sufficient knowledge to succeed in their master programs. However, faculties and study programs do not have the right to disagree with these regulations. Admission regulations are evaluated from year to year, and some changes have been made to ensure that prospective students have sufficient knowledge to successfully complete their programs.

Prospective foreign students who wish to register at Sriwijaya University contact the International Service Cooperation Office (KLI) to obtain information on the requirements for prospective foreign students to register at Sriwijaya University. Foreign students who take short courses or the work of students who are less than one year studying at Sriwijaya University, the management of administrative completeness is carried out at KLI after first registering in the affairs of foreign students, the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Sriwijaya University. Foreign students who have been accepted as students of the Postgraduate program, manage their academic requirements at the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Sriwijaya University. Foreign students who will take care of all administrative needs for their existence in Indonesia such as Residence Visas, Passports, Limited Stay Permit Cards, and other matters related to their residence in Indonesia contact KLI for a letter of introduction from the Rector to the authorized agency. All letters issued from Sriwijaya University to other institutions for the purposes of foreign students are signed by the Rector or Official authorized for that purpose, at least equivalent to Echelon 2 (two) according to Sriwijaya University Rector’s Decree No. 261 / UN9 / DT.Kep / 2016.

You may visit this website for further information:

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