Malalina is the new doctor in mathematics education doctoral program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP) Sriwijaya University. She has defended her dissertation in an open examination session on Monday, July 31th 2023. She presented her research under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I.Kom, M.Sc and Dr. Yusuf Hartono. The open session was chaired by the Dean of FKIP UNSRI, Dr. Hartono, M.A.

In the promotion session, the promovenda used the maritime context in the Musi River and Batanghari River, as the context in the research with the examination team Dr. Sri Adi Widodo, M.Pd. from Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Dr. Hapizah, MT. and Dr. Ely Susanti, M.Pd from Sriwijaya University. In addition, the promotion session was also attended by the family, Chairman of Perguruan Tamansiswa Palembang Branch Council, Rector, Chairman of Quality Assurance Agency, Dean of FKIP, Dean of Agriculture, Tamansiswa University Palembang.

In his dissertation, promovenda made a mathematics teaching material with a maritime context in the Musi River and Batanghari River. The main focus is on shipping and trading activities on both rivers. In this teaching material, students are invited to understand mathematics material through the application of contexts that exist in the aquatic environment, especially in the two rivers.

It is expected that mathematics learning is related to the students’ environment, so that students can understand mathematics materials in junior high school. He even said that mathematics teachers can innovate in learning by utilizing the environment as a means to understand mathematics material more concretely.

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