The Doctoral Program in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya, celebrated the graduation of new doctors in the field of mathematics education. Jayanti, M.Pd., successfully defended her dissertation at the open defense on January 9, 2024.

Guided by three professors in the Mathematics Education at FKIP UNSRI, namely Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, M.I. Comp., M.Sc. as Promotor, Prof. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, M.Sc. as Co-Promotor 1, and Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hartono as Co-Promotor 2, Jayanti raised the topic of her dissertation entitled “Development of a Numeracy Learning Environment Based on Independent Campus E-Learning for Prospective Elementary School Teachers”. The internal examiners in this open defense were Dr. Somakim, M.Pd. and Dr. Darmawijoyo. Meanwhile, the external examiner was Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Sc. from Yogyakarta State University.

In an open session, Jayanti admitted that her research had produced a numeracy learning environment using the CIS (Campus, Internet, School) model that was valid and practical with the following characteristics: Campus, consisting of 3 meetings regarding training related to PNRI, Numeracy and PISA, 2 simulation meetings discussing geometric content in the tourism context of Palembang City and statistical content in the health context during COVID-19; Internet assistance in the form of assistance in 4 meetings assisted by an online learning platform, consisting of e-sisfo, website, flipbolder, canva, paddlet, and mentimeter; The school consists of 6 meetings through 6 activities at SDN 91 Palembang and SD IBA Palembang. In addition, the resulting learning environment demonstrated potential effects based on Guskey’s five levels.

Her research products include 1 Scopus Infinity Journal article, 3 AIP Conference Proceedings Series articles (included in The 6th PROFUN-EDU, The 12th ICMSCE 2021, The 5th SULE-IC 2022), 2 articles of national accredited journal (Jurnal Inomatika and Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika RAFA) , 2 books with ISBN (Numerasi Pembelajaran Matematika SD Berbasis E-Learning dan Pengembangan Pembelajaran Numerasi Matematika SD Berbantuan E-Learning), Book Copyright Certificate, Appropriate Technology in the form of a Website.

For more details, you can visit the website at the following link


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